| **[[st:calendar|Edit Calendar]]** | **[[..start|Back To Main]]** | * These are the Office Days for our Storytellers. * Office Days simply mean that these are the days that the respective STs will perform administrative duties. These duties include but are not limited to: * Reviewing and Approving Player Character Applications * Reviewing and Approving Experience Expenditure Requests * Answering Player Questions * Updating Schedules * Scheduling Scenes * Please have patience as our STs have real lives as well. They //will// get back to you regarding your requests/questions/concerns/etc. If it so happens your ST is unavailable during one of his office days due to RL, they'll get back to you on the next one. Likewise, if they have too many things to answer in one day, they'll answer on the next one. * If you're not sure who your current ST is, please check: [[https://discord.com/channels/796888067466199060/796923925883912273/970440146736537670|Getting started]]. ---- ^ MONDAYS | Mummy | Demon || ^ TUESDAYS | Mage | Changeling || ^ WEDNESDAYS | Mummy | Sorcerer | Vampire | ^ THURSDAYS | Demon ||| ^ FRIDAYS | Werewolf | Hunter | Changeling | ^ SATURDAYS | Mage | Sorcerer | Vampire | ^ SUNDAYS | Werewolf | Hunter ||