!!![[Wayland Smith]] || border=0 ||! ||! ||! || ||'''Seelie Legacy:''' Paladin || - | - ||'''Unseelie Legacy:''' Beast || ||'''Character Type:''' Changeling || - | - ||'''Concept:''' Self Made Marble Hero || ||'''Player Name:''' Mickadin || - | - ||'''Kith:''' Autumn Sidhe || ---- !!Attributes || border=1 ||! '''Physical''' ||||! '''Social''' ||||! '''Mental''' |||| ||Strength (Mighty Blows) || 5 ||Charisma || 2 ||Perception || 3 || ||Dexterity || 3 ||Manipulation || 2 ||Intelligence || 3 || ||Stamina || 3 ||Appearance || 5 ||Wits || 3 || ---- !!Abilities || border=1 ||! '''Talents''' ||||! '''Skills''' ||||! '''Knowledges''' |||| ||Alertness || 1 ||Animal Ken || 0 ||Academics || 1 || ||Athletics || 3 ||Crafts (Smithing) || 3 ||Computers || 0 || ||Brawl || 0 ||Drive || 1 ||Enigmas || 0 || ||Empathy || 1 ||Etiquette || 2 ||Gremayre || 3 || ||Expression || 0 ||Firearms || 0 ||Investigation || 1 || ||Intimidation || 1 ||Melee (Swords) || 4 ||Law || 1 || ||Kenning || 3 ||Performance || 0 ||Medicine || 0 || ||Leadership || 0 ||Stealth || 1 ||Occult || 0 || ||Streetwise || 0 ||Survival || 0 ||Politics || 1 || ||Subterfuge || 1 ||Technology || 2 ||Science || 0 || ||! '''Other Talents''' ||||! '''Other Skills''' ||||! '''Other Knowledges''' |||| ||Art (Sculpture) || 4 ||Martial Arts || 2 || || 0 || || || 0 || || 0 || || 0 || || || 0 || || 0 || || 0 || || || 0 || || 0 || || 0 || || || 0 || || 0 || || 0 || '''Additional Abilities:'''\\ !!Arts: Chronos 1\\ Naming 5\\ Skycraft 3\\ Wayfare 2\\ !!Realms: Actor 3\\ Fae 5\\ Nature 1\\ Prop 2\\ Time 3\\ !!Backgrounds: Holdings 2 (Pooled with Vivian/Hervör)\\ Remembrance 2\\ Resources 2\\ Retinue 1\\ Title 3\\ !!Tempers: Glamour 6\\ Willpower 6\\ Banality 3\\ Nightmare 1\\ !!Merits: Granite Skin 2\\ Huge Size 4\\ Blessing of Atlas 5\\ !!Flaws: Enemy (King Niðhad) 4\\ Slipped Seeming 3\\ \\ ============ Ravaging/Musing Threshold: Destroy Hope/Foster Dreams Antithesis: Being confined !!Character Description: Wayland Smith, scrap metal sculptor The first thing that stands out about Wayland is his size. He stands near seven feet and has a chiseled musculature. There is something noble and fierce about his appearance, an impressive and surreal beauty. !!Fae mein: In his fae mien, Völundr is a Fae Warrior of legend. His blonde locks flow free in the wind. His face is surpassingly beautiful. His tabard billows out over shimmering mail, with an intricately runed broadsword at his hip. The Sidhe's skin is curious, with an unnatural marble sheen. !!Character Bio: "Once I was a monster, twisted by the magic of my enemy, King Niđhad. The magic of my love for Hervör has brought me back, and I will never let it go." !!HISTORY: ============== "The king of the Finns had three sons: Völundr (myself) and my two brothers Egil and Slagfiðr. One day we spied three Valkyrie Swan Maidens bathing at the water’s edge. I married the valkyrie Hervör, and had a son, Heime, but Hervör left me years later leaving only a ring behind. I became a great crafter, known throughout the lands. King Niðhad captured me in my sleep in Nerike. His wife had King Niđhad order me cursed by her magic and imprisoned on the island of Sævarstöð. There I was forced to forge items for the king. My wife's ring was given to the king's daughter, Böðvildr. Niðhad wore my sword. In revenge, I killed the king's sons when they visited me in secret, and fashioned goblets from their skulls, jewels from their eyes, and a brooch from their teeth. I sent the goblets to the king, the jewels to the queen and the brooch to the king's daughter. When Böðvild took her ring to me for mending, I tricked her into drinking beer and she passed out. While Böðvild lay unconscious I raped her. As she woke up I laughed and flew to Niðhad's hall where I told the king I murdered his sons, fashioned jewelry from their bodies and fathered a child with Böðvild. The crying king lamented that his archers and horsemen could not reach me, as I flew away never to be seen again." That is Wayland's story in the mythic past. Since then he has been reborn many times in the changeling way, each time hunted by the reincarnation of King Niðhad. His latest incarnation went through Chrysalis in the body of a young mechanic called Wayland. He became a smith in the courts of house Dougal. A mercurial Knight of House Fiona, Dame Igraine, passed through the domain and the smith was quite taken. He went on many adventures with Igraine, serving as her Squire. King Niðhad's men eventually caught up with him, and Wayland was ambushed. Igraine saved his life, but could not save his left leg. He would no longer be safe in this court. Igraine suggested he travel far away, to the American south. There he would meet Igraine's sister Melora Dopganner. In truth, Igraine hoped Wayland might protect her sister as much as the move might keep him safe. Wayland has settled in well while he looks for Melora, setting up a forge in a weak, lost hearth. He's begun making a living and even recruited an apprentice. The legendary Smith is slowly regaining his powers, able to forge mundane Chimera and steel into objects of might and power. He has since been reunited with his love from the Age of Legends and again taken on his true form, free from the magic of King Niđhad. NOTES Equipment:\\ Smithing and machining stuff, for art and practical production, 34 Dodge pick-up.\\ Chimerical Broadsword: Difficulty 6, Damage Strength+3/4\\ Sidhe Plate: Armour Rating 5, Dex Penalty -1\\ Treasure Metal Shield: Soak/Difficulty 4/+2, Dex Penalty –2\\ Dross: 27\\ \\ Active Cantrips:\\ Runic Imprint: +1 to all attributes, additional +1 to Dexterity, Stamina, Perception and Wits.\\ Runic Imprint (Armour): +5 Soak\\ Runic Imprint (Sword): +3 to Hit, +4 Damage\\ Quicksilver: 6 successes. Time 3 Trigger "When Invoking the Wyrd"\\ Hurricane Speed: 5 successes. Time 3 Trigger "When entering combat"\\ \\ True Names:\\ Völundr the Smith\\ Völundr's Sword\\ Völundr's Armour\\ Irene's Sword\\ Völundr's Freehold\\ \\ Oaths:\\ Oath of Crossed Blades: King Niðhad\\ Oath of Fealty: House Fiona\\ Oath of True Hearts: Hervör/Vivian\\ \\ Martial Arts Manoeuvres\\ Counter Throw\\ Hard Strike\\ Snake Step\\ Joint Lock