[[pc:sc:Stacy Brahms Sheet|Sheet]]\\ [[pc:sc:Stacy Brahms XP Log|XP Log]]\\ ====== Stacy Brahms ====== Player: [[earthdawn]] ===== Description: ===== 5 9 Black hair with a single streak of white from center flowing to her right. Brown eyes Wearing a pair of eyeglass with a flip up sunglass part ===== Personality ===== She is a judgeing type of person on what others Were and has no qualms about explaining why they are a Fashion Disaster **Obvious Details:** Average of height but what stands out and is a registered trademark his her whisp of white hair. Impeccably stylish never a spot out of place. always wearing a a round pair of Glasses with a flip up set of Lenses for the sun **Less Than Obvious Details:** **Banality Score:**\\ **Crossroads Membership:** None\\