''ST XP Log'' 00/90 ================================= September 26, 2020 - The moonlight shines upon all - 2 XP ===== October 22, 2020 - Assumptions - 2 XP ===== October - The seeds you sow - 2 XP ===== October - Inspections - 2 XP ===== October - A Challenger approaches - 2 XP ===== October - Misassumptions - 2 XP ===== October - The Price of Failure - 2 XP ===== October - Flipping the Script - 2 XP ===== October - Forbid me once, Shame on me - 2 XP ===== November - That Woman isn't Happy - 2 XP ===== December - It's a Trap! - 4 XP ===== December - Ambush - 1 XP ===== December - King of Gold - 2 XP ===== December - Council Meeting - 2 XP ===== December - Scam, Scam, Scam and Shifting Words - 1 ST XP ===== January - Abanoub vs Starke - 1 ST XP ===== January - I see Dead People and Summon them - 1 ST XP ===== January - The Hunter and The Hunter - 1 ST XP ===== January - Those who cannot be counseled, cannot be helped - 2 ST XP ===== January - A Pretty Face Belies One's True Nature - 1 ST XP ===== January - Spiders Galore - 3 ST XP across all scenes ===== January - There Should Be Blood - 1 ST XP ===== January - Oleanders shall bloom... - 1 ST XP ===== February - The Hunter and the Hunted Part 2 - 1 ST XP ===== February - Life will change... - 1 ST XP ===== February - Speak no evil - 1 ST XP ===== February - "Hunters and the Hunter: Icy what you did in the dark - 1 ST XP ===== February - Rokea update and spirit in own realm update - 1 ST XP ===== April - "Sssssssalutationssss and Dealingsssss" - 1 ST XP ===== April - "Lightning and Metal, is an electric chair, right?" - 1 ST XP ===== April - Investigating the Toxins - 1 ST XP ===== April - Shadows and Glitter... like some Vampire movies (Oracular Merit scene) - 1 ST XP ===== April - Meeting with a friend - 1 ST XP ===== May - Trapssss and Ssssetbacksss - 1 ST XP ===== July - Impromptu Sunday #1 - 1 ST XP ===== July - Impromptu Sunday #2 - 1 ST XP ===== July - Me and you, you and I, Much ado about nothing - 1 ST XP ===== September - It's a Hard Knock Life - 1 ST XP ===== September - Not my Lucky Charms! - 1 ST XP ===== September - Finding the Trail - 1 ST XP ===== October - Beach and Chantry Meeting - 1 ST XP ===== October - Who Framed Roger Rabbit?! Questline - 5 ST XP ===== October - Tanner's Interrogation Scene - 1 ST XP ===== October - Filth Arc Ending - 1 ST XP ===== November - Impromptu Sunday Scene - 1 ST XP ===== November - Thanksgiving Gift to all - 1 ST XP ===== January - Mischief is afoot among the meek - 1 ST XP ===== February - Pulling More Strings - 1 ST XP ===== April - April 2022 Council Meeting - 5 ST XP ===== April - Quest: 3 Miniarc (Argo) - 3 ST XP ===== April - Mei's introduction Scene - 1 ST XP