[[.sc:_Springs-From-Cypress-Branch]]\\ [[Springs-From-Cypress-Branch XP Log|XP Log]] Springs-From-Cypress-Branch Player: [[Citrakayah]] Edit Description: Unlike many Florida panthers, Springs displays no signs of inbreeding. He is on the large size for a panther, about 170 lbs and a little under 3' at the shoulder, and is heavily built with muscular hindquarters. His body language is more casually arrogant than most big cats–since his First Change, he has a lot less to fear. In chatro form–his preferred form for combat–he is 5' at the shoulder and 650 lbs. Crinos is a massive 9'5“ and 750 lbs. His homid form is 6'3” and about 170 lbs. He's well muscled, wears mismatched clearly secondhand (but still very functional) clothes, and has brown eyes and appears to be black. Edit Personality Fairly typically for a cat, Springs-From-Cypress-Branch is solitary, jumpy, and territorial. If not for the war for Gaia, they would be quite happy to live in their territory, occasionally encounter others of their kind in civil meetings at the territory boundaries, and otherwise largely keep to themselves. But Springs self-interest is of the enlightened sort. Staying put in his territory and not going out in dealing with Wyrmish threats proactively is, in his mind, just asking to have to deal with the problem on his territory later. Over the past couple years, their personality has changed. They've grown more curious, that's the most obvious change. But they're slowly starting to care for the fight for its own sake. While they still have a definite apathetic streak towards others, one can only fight embodiments of corruption so many times before growing to loathe them. One can only rush to the defense of Gaia before caring beyond personal reasons. These are foreign sensations to him. Cats are not without affection, but they are without ideology. But Springs-From-Cypress-Branch is not just a cat anymore. Obvious Details: Always seems slightly damp in the Umbra (Spirit Heritage 4). Less Than Obvious Details: Banality Score: