Experience Tracking [[pc:lyman_knight_em_aperal|Lyman Knight Em Aperal]] \\
action pagemod _self add_xp_entry fieldset "New XP ENTRY Form" date "Entry Date" select "Entry XP Amount" "1|2|3|4|5|10" select "Entry XP Type" "Scene XP|Catch Up XP|Weekly XP|Floor XP" textbox "Link to Announcement (Optional)" ! textbox "Scene Name (Optional)" ! textarea "Entry Notes (Optional)" x3 ! submit
action pagemod _self add_xp_purchase fieldset "New XP PURCHASE Form" date "Purchase Approval Date" date "Completion Date" number "Purchase XP Amount" textbox "Item Purchased" number "XP Reduction (Only if Rewarded)" ! textarea "Purchase Notes (Optional)" x3 ! submit
---- ====== Experience Tracking ====== (NOTE: If the total doesn't seem to be adding up correctly, try refreshing the page. Unfortunately, with how webpages load from top to bottom, the slightest of lag can cause the calculator to stop adding up values before half the page is fully loaded. This is a glitch that can't be fixed as of right now. If the totals STILL don't match up after several refreshes, let Feathers know in [[https://discord.com/channels/796888067466199060/829079453284040744/829082618020364288|Discord Channel: XP Log Support]].) ^ **Total** ^ **Current** ^ **Monthly Cap** ((You will need to manually keep track of this.)) ^ | ~~=236+sum(xptotal.c1r1:c1r300)~~ | ~~=c0r1-sum(xppurchase.c2r1:c2r300)-sum(xppurchase.c4r1:c4r300)-186~~ | 13/30 | ---- ===== XP Gain Log: ===== ^ ~~=label(xptotal)~~**Date** ^ **XP** ^ **XP Type** ^ **Scene** ^ **Notes** ^ |@@Entry Date@@ |@@Entry XP Amount@@ XP |@@Entry XP Type@@ |[[@@Link to Announcement (Optional)|@@|@@Scene Name (Optional)|N/A@@]] |@@Entry Notes (Optional)|@@ | ---- ===== XP Purchase Log: ===== | //Monthly Discount Cap:// ((You will need to manually keep track of this.))||||0/15 || ^ ~~=label(xppurchase)~~**Approval Date** ^ **Completion Date** ^ **XP** ^ **Purchased** ^ **Discount?** ^ **Notes** ^ |@@Purchase Approval Date@@ |@@Completion Date|N/A@@ |@@Purchase XP Amount@@ XP |@@Item Purchased@@ |-@@XP Reduction (Only if Rewarded)|0@@ XP |@@Purchase Notes (Optional)|@@ | ---- ===== Current XP Requests: ===== \\ \\ \\ (NOTE: Left the old stuff below for you to tally up and make sure it's working right. If you intend to convert old stuff to the new tables, and find that the math is not correct, let me know. Once you're satisfied that it's working correctly and feel that you no longer need the old stuff, you can remove them or ask Feathers to help if you don't dare.)\\ \\ ---- Total XP: 236 Current XP: 50 Spent XP: 171 This month XP Gained: 13/30 October 2020 18/30 September 2020 18/30 August 2020:22/30 July 2020:19/30 June 2020:23/30 * XP Gain Log: * Jun 01, 2020: 2 XP - Weekly XP // * Jun 05, 2020: 10 XP - Floor XP // * Jun 05, 2020: 2(4) XP - Introduction Scenes // * Jun 05, 2020: 2(4) XP - Travel to the Underworld Scene// * Jun 06, 2020: 3(6) XP -Natron Cultists Ambush// * Jun 07, 2020: 2 XP Weekly XP// * Jun 10, 2020: 1(2) XP -Interogation // * Jun 14, 2020: 2 XP Weekly XP// * Jun 19, 2020:2(4) XP - Mr Wang// * Jun 21, 2020:2 XP Weekly XP// * Jun 22, 2020: 5(10)XP - The Voice in the Wind and the Pouring Rain, The Voice of your Hunger and Pain, The Voice that Always is Calling You" // * Jun 24, 2020: 2(4)XP - A meeting Kharebutu the Fourfold Fiend// * Jun 27, 2020: 3(6)XP - Don't Cross My Safe Place// * Jun 28, 2020: 2 XP Weekly XP// * Jun 30, 2020: 3(6)XP-Blood of Kings// * July 5, 2020: 2 XP Weekly XP// * July 7,2020:2(4) XP-Rite of the Pizza// * July 11,2020:4(8) XP - BLood of Kings// * July 12,2020:2 XP - Weekly XP// * July 19,2020: 3(6) XP Sewer Rescue and return // * July 19,2020: 2 XP - Weekly XP// * July 26,2020:2 XP Weekly XP// * July 27,2020:3(6) XP- Opening the coffin of Doom// * July 27,2020:1(2) XP Summons of horus// * July,31,2020:2(4) XP "If 'Pork' is bad..." // * August 2,2020:2 XP - Weekly XP// * August 3,2020: 2(4) XP To meet a demon// * August 6,2020: 2(4) XP To meet a Sefekhi// * August 8,2020: 3(6) XP One Last Song, before the sun rises// * August 9,2020: 2 XP - Weekly XP// * August 10,2020: 3(6) XP Scouting mission against the Sons of Sutekh // * August 15,2020: 3(6) XP Bonds of Blood and Guilt // * August 15.2020:2(4) XP Ravin' Cannibals * August 16,2020: 2 XP - Weekly XP// * August 23,2020: 2 XP - Weekly XP// * August 24,2020: 3(6) XP - Earning your Patch// * August 29,2020: 1(2) - The earth beneath their feet// * August 30,2020: 2 XP - Weekly XP// * September 1,2020:2(4) XP Something most non-Fae see// * September 6,2020:2 XP - Weekly XP// * September 13,2020:2 XP Weekly XP// * September 20,2020:2 XP Weekly XP// * September 24,2020:2(4) XP Visiting Roy in Georgia// * September 27,2020:2 Weekly XP// * September 28,2020:4(8) Harbor Rescue// * October 4,2020:3(6) What Happens to the Dream// * October 4,2020:2 Weekly Xp * October 6,2020:4(8) Pride * October 8,2020:2(4) Cleanup of Pride * October 10,2020:2(4) First scene in resurrecting big H * October 11,2020: 2 Weekly XP * October 18,2020: 2 Weekly XP * October 25,2020: 2 Weekly XP * October 25,2020: 2(4) The crimson Ibis * October 28,2020: 4(8) Boss Calahan * October 29,2020: 2(4) Inspections * November 3,2020: 1(2) RP * November 8,2020: 5(10) The resurrection of Huitzilopotchli * November 11,2020: 2(4) Meeting with Vampires * November 12,2020: 4(8) To the sky and beyond(serverwide // // // Currently Pending XP Purchases:\\ * 27.7.2020:14 XP\\ * Balance to 3\\ * * Xp Purchase Log:\\ * June 6, 2020:\\ * XP Cost:10 XP\\ * * Science 1 (3 XP)\\ * Animal Ken 1 (3 XP)\\ * Ka to 2 (3 XP)\\ * Becalm(S) (1 XP) \\ * * June 15,2020 \\ * XP Cost:22XP\\ * \\ * Occult to 2 (2Xp)\\ * Divination to 1 (3XP)\\ * Awareness to 1 (3XP)\\ * \\ * Celestial to 2 (6XP)\\ * Sahu-Ra (2XP)\\ * Lesser Weather Magic (2XP)\\ * Hanging the Stars (1XP)\\ * Hiding the Stars(1XP)\\ * \\ * Simple Ward(Udjat) (1XP)\\ * Naming the Warning (1XP) \\ * * 26.06.2020\\ * XP Cost: 16\\ * Amulets to 2 (4XP)\\ * Lesser Talisman (Dexterity) (2XP)\\ * Lesser Ward (Udjat) (2xp)\\ * Stamina to 3 (8XP) \\ * \\ * 30.6.2020\\ * XP Cost:13\\ * Athletics to 2 (2XP)\\ * Awareness to 2(2XP)\\ * Lore(Reborn) to 2 (2XP) \\ * Prayer of the Aken (2XP) \\ * Book of Thoth (2XP)\\ * Martial Arts to 1 (3XP)\\ * * 09.07.2020\\ * XP Cost: 8\\ * Necromancy to 1 (4XP)\\ * Judge the soul (1XP)\\ * Seperate Ka 1XP\\ * Stormwalk 1XP\\ * Celestial:\\ * Weather Sight 1XP \\ * \\ * 6.8.2020\\ * \\ * XP Cost: 28\\ \\ * Necromancy to 2 (6XP)\\ * -Stormshield (2XP)\\ * -Ghost Lantern (1XP)\\ * \\ * Amulets to 3 (8XP)\\ * -Sign of Luck (3XP)\\ * -Scarab of Life(2XP)\\ * -Veil of Amaunet(3xp)\\ * Skills:\\ * Divination to 2 (2XP) \\ * \\ * 10.9.2020\\ * \\ * XP Cost: 37\\ * \\ * Khaibit to 1:4XP \\ * Melee respecialized into Spears: 2XP \\ * \\ * Nomenclature to 2: 6 XP\\ * Mend Flesh: 2XP\\ * \\ * Medicine to 1: 3XP\\ * Crafts to 2: 2XP\\ * Science to 2: 2XP\\ * Stealth to 3: 4XP\\ * Animal Ken to 2: 2XP\\ * Martial Arts to 2: 2XP\\ * Alertness to 3:4XP\\ * Occult to 3:4XP \\ 26.10.2020 Neteru to 1 3XP XP Cost: 13 Medicine to 2 (2XP) Lore Changelings to 2 (2XP) Martial Arts to 3 (4XP) Becoming the Stone (2XP) Major Ward(Glamour/Mists) (3XP) Buying the True Love Merit(4 FB or 8XP) for 8 XP after discussion with Earthdawn. Completion: 10/10/2020 07.11.2020 Stamina to 4: 12 XP Khabit to 2: 3 XP Ka to 2:3XP Medicine to 3:4 XP Lore (Garou) to 1: 3XP