[[Hazel Decker Sheet|Sheet]]\\ [[Hazel Decker XP Log|XP Log]]\\ ====== Hazel Decker ====== Player: [[Per]] ===== Description: ===== A mountain off a woman standing at 6ft 7in and 210 pounds in weight with a athletic build even for her size. Though despite that so does she always have a smile on her face. She has shoulder length blonde hair and an average apperance for a normal person (If you are in to big women). ===== Personality ===== A kind person which will always listen and do what she can to help no matter who you are. Though the ones who have seen her fury knows she will fight to the death if neccesary for what she belives in. Though the darkness has been building in her and have brought the woman to taking up the bottle to handle what she has seen in the dark of the nights. Though someone has to do the good fight and if not her? Who else would do it? **Obvious Details:** Hazel is a giant off a woman standing 6ft 7in and 300 pounds in weight with a athletic build even for her size. **Less Than Obvious Details:** **Banality Score:5** -----