====== Tegan Burke ====== [[pc:Tegan Burke | Back]] ^ ^ ^ ^ | **Nature:** - | - | - | **Demeanor:** - | | **Character Type:** Changeling | - | - | **Legacies:** crafter/pandora | | **Player Name:** Mandi (dro) | - | - | **Seeming:** childling | | **Court:** Seelie | - | - | **Kith:** Selkie | | **House:** - | - | - | **Motley:** - | ---- | ~~=label(stats)~~**~* ATTRIBUTES *~** |||||| ^ **Physical** ^^ **Social** ^^ **Mental** ^^ |Strength | 3 |Charisma(captivating)| 4 |Perception | 3 | |Dexterity (agile) | 4 |Manipulation | 2 |Intelligence | 3 | |Stamina(unyielding)| 4 |Appearance(Exotic) | 4 |Wits | 2 | | ~~=label(skills)~~**~* ABILITIES *~** |||||| ^ **Talents** ^^ **Skills** ^^ **Knowledges** ^^ |Alertness | 3 |Animal Ken | 3 |Academics | 0 | |Athletics | 3 |Crafts | 3 |Computers | 2 | |Kenning | 2 |Drive | 2 |Gremayre | 3 | |Brawl | 0 |Etiquette | 2 |Finance | 1 | |Empathy | 3 |Firearms | 0 |Investigation | 1 | |Expression | 1 |Melee | 3 |Law | 0 | |Intimidation | 0 |Performance | 0 |Medicine | 1 | |Leadership | 1 |Stealth | 0 |Occult | 1 | |Streetwise | 1 |Survival | 2 |Politics | 0 | |Subterfuge | 0 |Technology | 0 |Science(meteorology)| 2 | ^ Uncommon Talents ^^ Uncommon Skills ^^ Uncommon Knowledges ^^ | | |Divination | 0 | | | ^ Lores ^ Ratings ^ Notes ^ |Awakened | 1 | |Gallian | 3 | |Undead | 2 | |Spirits | 0 | |Shapeshifters | 0 | |Reborn | 0 | |The Hunt | 0 | |Selkie | 3 | ^ ~* Backgrounds *~ ^^^ |Chimera | 1 | Sprite the Sea Dragon | |Contacts | 1 |She was scouted by a surfer (Oliver Campbell) from Florida that was on vacation where she lived. He convinced her to move and teach in Florida. | |Dreamers | 0 | | |Holdings | 0 | | |Mentor | 4 |Her Grandmother, Maimiti (May-ma-tie) that passed down the seal coat to her on her 20th birthday, Morded, her spouse | |Rememberence | 0 | |Resource | 3 | |Retinue | 0 | |Title | 1 | Given to her by the Lilac for being the Countess' Herald| ^ ~* Resources *~ ^^^^ |Willpower | 8 | | |Glamour | 6 | | |Banality | 3 | | |Nightmare | 0 | | | **~* Oaths *~** ||||| ^ Date ^ From ^ Oathed To ^ Oath ^ Condition ^ |Jan 09, 2021| Tegan Burke| Countess Hervor| Oath of Fealty |all difficulties to resist any type of mental domination are lowered by two. Breaking the oath results in the loss of three Willpower points. Extreme cases may result in the Dreaming striking the character blind for a year and a day| |May 25, 2021| Tegan/Mordred| Tegan/Mordred| Oath of True Hearts| an extra point of glamour is given from every rapture the 2 partake together..if the oath is broken a visable bird sits on the oathbreakers shoulder and all affected gain a point of banality| | **~*Merits and Flaws*~** ||| |**Merits**||| |Calming Presence|1| Something in your aura conveys safety and security to the animal or child. Guard dogs and wild animals never attack you, and babies in your presence calm and gaze up at you in fascination and wonder.| |Language|1| Tahitian| |**Flaws**||| |Enemy|2| Oliver, her boss| | **~*Treasures*~** ||| | Sea shell necklace | works like pooka bread crumbs but is 2 pearls | given to by the Countess| | Ring | acts like TL merit| given by the Duke| //Cantrip Difficulty Modifiers//\\ //Target’s Banality > 7 +1//\\ //Current location has Banality > 7 +1//\\ //Using Scene Realm +1//\\ //Using Time Realm +1//\\ //Targets changeling with higher Title without their consent +1//\\ //Voluntarily replace at least 3 dice with Nightmare Dice –1//\\ //Cantrip cast in a freehold –1//\\ //Cantrip cast on an enchanted mortal or Kinain –1//\\ //Cantrip cast with a bunk –1 to –5//\\ //Using Kith’s affinity Realm –1//\\ ^ ~*Chronos*~ ^^^ |on the wish list| ^ ~*Metamorphosis*~ ^^^ |on the wish list| ^ ~*Oneiromancy*~ ^^^ |1 wyrd|can enter a sleeping creatures dream, brings nothing with her and will appear in the same place she started when she leaves the dream willingly or when the dreamer wakes.|The first time she cast it on a subject she must be able to see the target, but the player can spend a point of WP to forge a connection allowing the Caster to enter her dreams from anywhere in the future. The subject remembers the dream upon waking, making dream walk and effective way to pass messages and send warnings. All other cantraps in this Art require Dream Walk to be successful| |2 chimerical| Once inside the dream The changeling can shape the target's dreams and employ Realms to create aspects of the dream. Any part of the dream molded with an appropriate realm becomes a trigger for the target after they wake.| Any part of the dream molded with an appropriate Realm becomes a trigger for the target after she wakes. The Oneiromancer decides if the dream becomes inspiring or terrifying, which determines the impact of those triggers when encountered| |3 wyrd| Dream Portal is always used in conjunction with Dream Walk. The Realm now dictates what the caster can transport through the target’s dream, although the successes rolled limit the size and volume of what gets brought through.| Dream Portal can be cast as an extended action to accumulate additional successes, with each roll beyond the first costing one point of Glamour. Each success represents the mass or volume of an adult human that the Oneiromancer can bring through the dream.| |4 both| Under the Oneiromancer’s command, elements of a dream may spring to life in the waking world as a chimera. She maintains limited control over sentient chimera for a time after the dreamer wakes, but without the caster’s Glamour, the chimera will fade as the dream is forgotten.| //**1**suxx= Facsimile of the target with no real power or intelligence/equivalent of 5 chimera points, inanimate/non-sentient.//\\ // **2**suxx= Minor chimera, sturdy but with no special power/10 chimera points. animate/non-sentient//\\ //**3**suxx= advanced chimera/20 chimera points, animate/sentient//\\ //**4**suxx=Complex crafted chimera/30–35 chimera points//\\ //**5**suxx= Master crafted chimera or having 40–50 chimera points//| ^ ~*Primal*~ ^^^ |1 chimerical |use willow whisper to speak to any plant, animal, object, or natural feature-any stone, jeweled ring, shining blade, beast normally incapable of speech.| can only take about the realm used. must whisper| |2wyrd|conjure manifestations of the elements earth, water, wood, fire, and air. The Realm used determines where the element manifests.|//more suxx rolled=greater manifestation.//\\ //1suxx would only conjure a few flowers.//\\ //3suxx could produce half an hour of rain, a wind strong enough to impose a two-die penalty to move against it, a bonfire’s worth of fire, or a tangle of thorny vines.//\\ //5 suxxcould call forth rocks big enough to flip a car as they erupt from the ground, a small inferno, enough water to fill a backyard swimming pool, or a young tree.//| |3 wyrd|fortifies its target with a protective elemental sheath. The Realm used determines who or what is fortified. Multiple castings of this cantrip are not cumulative — a new casting always overwrites any existing protection|Each success rolled when activating Oakenshield grants the target one temporary extra Bruised health level, which lasts until destroyed or until the end of the scene. These temporary health levels are always the first marked when damage is taken, and rather than “retaining” marked damage, the damaged health levels simply vanish| |4wyrd|allows the changeling to imbue someone or something with the very essence of one of the elements, transforming them into a living manifestation of elemental power|//1suxx Changeling’s Glamour in turns.//\\ //2suxx Changeling’s Glamour in minutes.//\\ //3suxx Five minutes per dot of Glamour.//\\ //4suxx 30 minutes per dot of Glamour.//\\ //5suxx One hour per dot of Glamour.//\\ **Air**=become invisible and may float through the air at the power of their own walking speed. **Earth**=visibly made of stone and dirt. may soak lethal dng @dif 6, gain +3 soak dice but move at half speed and +1 dodge dif. **Water**= become slick, slippery, and fluid. +1 dex dot. dif -2 to squeeze through tight spaces or escape objects like hand cuffs. can exist underwater without needing air. objects aren't ruined by water.**Wood**= become rooted in place. They become supple as a reed in the wind, -1dif to Dex and Stam-based, and may slowly regain any damage taken, at a rate of one level of bashing dmg/min and one level of lethal damage per five minutes.**Fire**= sculpted in flame, 1agg dmg/turn to anything that comes in contact with them, immune to fire| ^ ~*Summer*~ ^^^ |1| Flicker-flies illuminate the area around them and their softly pulsing colors evoke a subtle resonance of an emotion of the changeling’s choice in those who view them. Both the flicker-flies and the light they cast are invisible to mundane beings, yet mortals touched by their light still react to their emotional resonance| Realm determines what they congregate around. provide as much light as a brightly-burning torch for the rest of the scene, for changelings. all who are touched directly by their light or who behold that radiance feel subtle stirrings of an emotion of the changeling’s choosing — anger, melancholy, lust, happiness, and so forth. Rolls that take advantage of this emotional resonance enjoy –1 difficulty|
~* Realms *~
^ **Actor** -grants power over the folks of the autumn world ^^ |1|well-known friend or confidante — someone the changeling has spent a great deal of time around, whose interests and hobbies and aspirations she knows, and who trusts and likes her| |2|work cantrips upon those that she has personally met and had at least a few minutes of interaction with, and whose names she knows| |3|Adepts in this Realm can weave their cantrips against anyone they recognize based on some preexisting context- the changeling has moved beyond the need for a name.| ^ **Fae** - grants power over the things and children of the Dreaming ^^ | 1 |The first things a changeling initiated into this Realm gains power over are the humble commoners of the fae world. Possible examples: Most non-sidhe Kithain, titleless Autumn sidhe.| | 2 |With greater mastery over the Realm of Fae comes the ability to direct cantrips at the nobility of the Kithain, a fact that causes no little consternation among militant commoners — it’s difficult to keep morale up when the Dreaming itself seems to endorse the divisions of class and power. This rank also encompasses members of “commoner” kiths who have been granted titles.| | 3 |Those with significant facility with the Fae Realm eventually learn to direct their power at chimera, including both chimerical creatures and wholly chimerical objects (but not including a changeling’s voile — her clothing is considered a part of her by the strange rules of the Dreaming)| ^ **Nature** -This Realm encompasses the raw elements and awesome forces of nature ^^ | 1 | The changeling may direct a cantrip at discrete manifestations of the four classical elements (air, earth, water, and fire). These manifestations must be fairly straightforward and inorganic. Because it’s difficult to quantify discrete manifestations of air, that element often requires the Scene Realm as well| | 2 | The changeling may affect unliving, organic material such as wood, paper, rope, hemp, and the like.| | 3 | At this level of initiation, the changeling may now direct her cantrips at living plants.| | 4 |gains power over living animals, great and small. People who have been transformed into animals (hey, it happens) are governed instead by the Realm reflecting their base form| ^ **Prop** - Realm governing objects of all sorts, from table knives to telescopes. Props are worked objects not falling into the parameters of the Nature Realm, including all refined metals, plastics, and compound materials. Prop can never, under any circumstances, affect objects made of cold iron. ^^ | 1 | The changeling may target anything that is commonly worn, or currently being used as clothing or a body decoration| | 2 |The Kithain may now enchant any object that doesn’t use electricity and has no moving parts.| | 3 | encompass objects with moving parts, so long as they don’t require fuel or an electrical power source| ^ **Scene** - modifier Realms adds +1 dif. It cannot be used to ground an Art on its own, but must instead be used in conjunction with Actor, Fae, Nature, or Prop ^^ | 1 |The first dominion of the Scene realm is the Chamber, allowing the changeling to affect all subjects within a small, discrete, enclosed area.| | 2 |The second domain of Scene encompasses a small, contiguous building, allowing the Kithain to work a cantrip upon all subjects within.| | 3 | an entire highway or road, stretching as far as the eye can see, and anything on it or immediately adjacent to it (such as in adjoining yards or on the sidewalk, but not inside of buildings)| ^ **Time** - modifier Realms adds +1 dif. It cannot be used to ground an Art on its own, but must instead be used in conjunction with Actor, Fae, Nature, or Prop ^^ | 1 |The duration of the cantrip is tripled.| | 2 |The cantrip’s effect is delayed, and will activate at a time of the player’s choosing (set when the cantrip is cast), up to a year and a day in the future| | 3 | Rather than being delayed by a set amount of time, the cantrip may be set to “hang” until a specified trigger occurs, set by the player. Examples include “the next time a Kithain walks through the door”|
~* HEALTH *~
Bruised Hurt Injured Wounded Mauled Crippled Incapacitated Dead
0 -1 -1 -2 -2 -5
~* ~~~~~ * ~~~~~ * ~~~~~ *~
| **//~* Basic Combat *~//** ||| ^ INITIATIVE ^ 1d10 + Dexterity ''[ ~~=stats.c1r3~~ ]'' + Wits ''[ ~~=stats.c5r4~~ ]'' ^^ |Tzimisce |''/mi ~~=stats.c1r3~~+~~=stats.c5r4~~''|| |Dice Maiden |''!roll 1d10+~~=stats.c1r3~~+~~=stats.c5r4~~'' || ^ DODGE ^ Dexterity ''[ ~~=stats.c1r3~~ ]'' + Athletics ''[ ~~=skills.c1r3~~ ]'' at Difficulty ''[ 6 ]'' ^^ |Tzimisce | ''!m ~~=stats.c1r3+skills.c1r3~~ 6 # dodge'' || |Dice Maiden |''!roll ~~=stats.c1r3+skills.c1r3~~d10 t6 f1 '' || ^ SOAK ^ Stamina ''[ ~~=stats.c1r4~~ ]'' + Armor ''[ 0 ]'' at Difficulty ''[ 6 ]'' ^^ |Tzimisce | Bashing/Lethal:|''!m ~~=stats.c1r4~~+Armor 6 # soak''| |Dice Maiden | Bashing/Lethal:|''!roll ~~=stats.c1r4~~+Armor d10 t6 f1 ! soak'' |
~* ~~~~~ * ~~~~~ * ~~~~~ *~
===== Birthright ===== Seal form Ocean's Grace Fraility-Seal coat ===== Backstory ===== **Physical Description:**\\ She is 5'6. Has light brownish skin. Dark brown to black long wavy hair. She has dark brown eyes, usually with some kind of dark eyeliner on. An average body that you would expects some one is good physical shape to have. **Personality:**\\ She is an easygoing free spirit. She has a big sense of Family that she carries with her. Most likely you will find her at the beach, living life to the fullest. She is sometimes blunt about what she says but tries to speak nicely when she talks. She tends to be more guarded until she really gets to know someone. **Backstory:**\\ Tegan was born in Tahiti in August 2, 1998. She grew up around her grandmother and mother and quickly learned to love the ocean. Her dad was off traveling for most her life, but came around occasionally. She spent a lot of her years in the water. learning to swim, surfing,etc. When she was 16 she learned of the Selki abilities that her grandma possessed. Her grandma finally past the seal coat to her when she was 20 (2018) and she learned about the fae side of her. The abilities she possessed, the importance of the seal coat to the family and even the dream she was to follow. Brizo, a Greek Goddess that was known as the protector of mariners,sailors, and fishermen. Over the course of the summer Tegan was approached but a surfer from Florida. He convinced her to move to Florida and help him teach the art that is surfing.