[[pc:sc:Sergej Dezhnyov Sheet|Sheet]]\\ [[pc:sc:Sergej_Dezhnyov_xp_log|XP Log]]\\ [[pc:sc:Sergej_Dezhnyov_gifts|Gifts]]\\ ====== Sergej Dezhnyov ====== Player: [[Shalassa]] ===== Description: ===== | {{:sergejhomid.jpg?200|}} | || |:::|:::|| |:::| **Height:** |1.93m (6'4)| |:::| **Weight:** |134kg (295lbs)| |:::| **Hair:** |black | |:::| **Eyes:** |dark grey | |:::| **Figure:** |ripped and muscular | |:::| **Skin:** |fair | |:::| **Apparent Age:** |Early 20s | |:::| **Banalty Score:** | TBA | |:::| **Crossroads:** | Probationary | |:::| || |:::|:::|| ---- ===== Personality: ===== Sergej is reserved, and calm (at least for ahroun standards, which isn't telling much). He is very dutiful and goal-oriented. He can be arrogant and tends to be a bit overconfident when it comes to his abilities and job.\\ ---- ===== Obvious Details ===== With 1.93m (6'4") and 134kg (295lbs) Sergej towers almost everyone around him. His hair is cut short, barely a cm long. It's hard to tell if it's black or a dark brown. His eyes are dark grey, with a faint fade into blue. His clothing is casual and more practically oriented.\\ He speaks with a Russian accent.\\ \\ **Flaws:** Mark of the Predator\\ **Merits:** Bruiser, Feral Appearance, Physically Impressive\\ ---- ===== Less Than Obvious Details ===== **Flaws:** Strict Carnivore, Overconfident\\ **Merits:**