====== Saga Nygard ====== [[pc: Saga Nygard| Back]] ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | **Nature:** Survivor | - | - | **Demeanor:** Guardian | | **Character Type:** Kinfolk | - | - | **Tribe:** Get of Fenris | | **Breed:** Homid | - | - | **Mate:** N/A | | **Player Name:** FlowerCrystals | - | - | **Concept:** Survivor | ---- ===== Attributes ===== ^ **Physical** ^ ^ **Social** ^ ^ **Mental ** ^ ^ |Strength | 3 |Charisma | 3 |Perception | 3 | |Dexterity (Precise) | 5 |Manipulation | 1 |Intelligence | 3 | |Stamina (High Pain Threshold) | 4 |Appearance (Exotic) | 4 |Wits (Improvise) | 4 | ---- ===== Abilities ===== ^ **Talents ** ^ ^ **Skills ** ^ ^ **Knowledges ** ^ ^ |Alertness | 2 |Animal Ken | 1 |Academics | 2 | |Athletics | 2 |Crafts (Black-Smithing) | 5 |Computers | 3 | |Primal Urge | 0 |Drive | 0 |Enigmas| 1 | |Brawl | 2 |Etiquette | 0 | Rites | 0 | |Empathy | 2 |Firearms | 2 |Investigation | 1 | |Expression | 0 |Melee (Sharp Blades) | 5 |Law | 0 | |Intimidation | 2 |Performance | 0 |Medicine | 3 | |Leadership | 2 |Stealth | 1 |Occult | 3 | |Streetwise | 1 |Survival | 2 |Politics | 0 | |Subterfuge | 0 |Technology | 1 |Science | 0 | ^Uncommon Talents ^ ^Uncommon Skills ^ ^Uncommon Knowledges ^ ^ |Carousing | 0 |Larceny | 0 |Poison | 0 | | Intuition | 0 |Seduction | 0 |Thanatology | 0 | ^ Lores ^ Ratings ^ |Garou Lore | 1 | |Get of Fenris Lore | 1 | ------- ===== Backgrounds ===== **Backgrounds:**\\ Pure Breed 4\\ Resources 4\\ Contact (Detective) 1 \\ Contact (Rolled Alloys) 1\\ Allies 2\\ ----- =====Merits & Flaws ===== **Merits:**\\ Common Sense - 1pt, Computer Aptitude - 1pt, Poison Resistance - 1pt, Master Craftsman - 3pts\\ Feral Appearance - 1pt, Mechanical Aptitude - 1pt, Notable Heritage - 2pts, Gnosis - 5pts, Language: Portuguese - 1pt\\ ----- **Flaws:**\\ Intolerance (Child Abusers) - 1pt, Allergic (Peanuts) - 1pt \\ ---- ===== Resources ===== **Willpower:** 6 \\ **Gnosis:** 1 \\ **Gift:** Dona Nobis Pacem ---- ===== Weapons ===== Jarlhammer (Vessel not Fetish): \\ //Attack difficulty 7 and inflicts Strength +6 aggravated damage; the damage counts as silver damage, and is thus unsoakable to Garou. Only a werewolf can throw such a weapon accurately, and only to a distance of 5 yards for every dot of Strength. \\ \\ Forged from silver-laced iron and cooled in the blood of freshly slain enemies. Though not a Fetish Saga spent two years creating the vessel for what hopefully one day will be the 8th hammer of the Fenrir. It did have a marking on it that was her signature that she made the weapon.// \\ Sword: Diff 6, Strength +3/L, Trenchcoat\\ Baseball Bat: Diff 5, Strength +2/B, Trenchcoat\\ Frying Pan (Cast Iron): Diff 5, Strength +3/B, Trenchcoat\\ Knife: Diff 6, Strength/L, Piercing\\ Semi-Automatic Pistol, Lt., Damage: 4, Range: 20, Rate: 4, Clip: 17+1, Piercing\\ Assault Rifle:, Damage: 7, Range: 150, Rate: 3, Clip: 30+1, N/A\\ ----- ===== Random Items ===== House (Mansion), ID, Cash, Random things for the house and kids.\\ CPL (Along with anything else needed to have weapons legally).\\ Forge workshop to make her weapons.\\ Steel to make the weapons.\\ ----- ===== Backstory ===== **Physical Description:**\\ Saga normally has her hair clipped up behind her head and still spilled down her back part way. Waves of sun kissed red hair against the stormy gray eyes with sunglasses perched on top of the firey crown. Her skin was like alabaster and her eyes held the hungry edge to them that some kinfolk were blessed with. Her attire is casual in nature with jeans, a top that always covers everything and then a coat in the winter.\\ **Backstory:**\\ Saga Nygard. A woman of Scandinavian and German descent was the granddaughter of Krieger-Silver-Mane-Tears-At-The-Heart-Of-The-Wyrm. Born of Shreds the Heart of the Wyrm, a Garou, and a kinfolk mother named Brigid that died during the childbirth of her younger Garou sister Asta. Saga was already up against incredible odds being kinfolk but that never stopped her from continuing to try her best to prove she was one of those kinfolk that could, and would, survive. Her childhood? Normal. As normal as one could call growing up in a Sept that was primarily Fenrir. She learned the survial basics. How to shoot a gun. She learned computers and settled in about Lore and Legends. She didn't mind overly much about being more of the nerd and not the type some would call charming. She couldn't lie worth a damn but she could do a number of other things. As a teenager her Sept was invaded by a pack of BSDs. While the Garou were fighting a group of Kinfolk were locked into a building and then exposed to a massive amount of nitrogen dioxide. She, however, was the grand-daughter of one of their tribes Greatest warriors. She wasn't about to fall to the Wyrm. Not when she believed she had so much more left to do with her life. She motioned for the kinfolk to come to her and then formed a human ladder towards the skylight of the building and a window near the top. She stood at the bottom. Baring most of the human weight while having a a cloth covering her nose and mouth. Coughing. They worked quickly. Trained and ready for action but not quickly enough as soon the darkness took her as she felt the back of her shirt be caught, the weight lifted from her shoulders, and then darkness took her away. Within her Sept, Sept of the Raging Storm, she had become her own little legend. It pleased her. Even if Asthma had developed due to the prolonged exposure to the gas. With her parents dead and her sister grown to the point she was making her way to Adren from a Fostern Garou. She didn't have much in the way of possessions and eventually it was time to leave the little area of the North. The cold hurt her lungs when she breathed. The doctors said that it would be easier to move South for her health and eventually she would be able to overcome it but it would take time. She took her time to find a place she thought was safe and went to Alabama first. There… It was not so safe. She had come to the wrong Sept thanks to an interception that was made by a group of Spirals. She was taken prisoner for a year and a day. Everyone could fill in the blanks about what happened during her time there. She was quiet and silent about it. Scars from the lashing went back and forth along her back. How did she escape? Well… Waiting. Watching. Patience. One careless Spiral was foolish enough to leave the keys to her prison in view. She took them and unlocked the door. When she almost reached the door someone went to leap at her and she jammed the key into their eyeball. After that… All she could do. Was run. Run. Run to the first bus. Run to the first rest stop. She washed best she could. Put in a few phone calls and continued to look for a new place to stay.She did her reseach and thought Florida would be a good place to go. Just had to put up with possible hurricanes. She sent word a head to a local Sept and made sure to set up residence. She worked from home at her computer and played the stock markets. She took up a local job as a waitress too. That, she thought, should keep her out of trouble for a little while until she gets her legs under her again. One thing she knew for certain was that her life… Was changed for good.\\ ---- **Notes:**\\ Intelligence, Appearance and Perception 3 - 15pts, Brawl 1 - 2pts,\\ Resources 3 - 1pts, Ally (Detective) - 1pt, WP 4 and 5 - 2pts ----- **Pure Breed:**\\ Ancestor: Justice tempered with Mercy. Athro. Philodox.\\ Ancestor: Shadows of the Moon. Adren Ragabash.\\ Ancestor: Spirit’s Revenge. Athro. Theurge.\\ Ancestor: Fenrir’s Fury. Adren. Ahourn.\\ Ancestor: Judge of the Dead. Athro. Theurge.\\ Ancestor: Vengeance of Fenrir. Athro. Ahourn.\\ Great Grandmother: Fenrir’s All Mighty Hammer. Elder. Ahourn.\\ Grandmother (Mom’s side): Stalks-The-Icy-Souls. Athro. Theurge.\\ Grandpa (Dad’s side): Krieger-Silver-Mane-Tears-At-The-Heart-Of-The-Wyrm\\ Father: Shreds the Heart of the Wyrm. Athro. Ahourn.\\ Aunt: Night’s Unfailing Justice. Athro. Philodox\\ Cousin: Swift without Mercy. Adren. Theurge.\\ ---- **RP Notes:**\\ Floyd Roll: (Garou) https://discordapp.com/channels/796888067466199060/796904493106593793/865355602217926747\\ Witnessed by Feathers: 7/15/21\\ Astrid Roll: (Garou) https://discordapp.com/channels/796888067466199060/796904493106593793/865356036549115908\\ Witnessed by Feathers: 7/15/21\\ Serena Roll: (Kinfolk) https://discordapp.com/channels/796888067466199060/796904493106593793/865356015922053170\\ Witnessed by Feathers: 7/15/21\\