[[Silas Rangers Sheet|Back]]\\ ==== Lifeweb Systems ==== Under normal circumstances, Fetters reside in the Skinlands, so when a Lifeweb art affects a Fetter, the difficulty is theShroud rating at that Fetter’s location. If the Fetter somehow winds up in the Underworld, the difficulty is as follows. If it’s in the Shadowlands, 7; if it’s in the Tempest 8, and 9 if it’s in the Labyrinth, closest to Oblivion. Even the subtlest Lifeweb uses can have an observer effect, potentially warning the target that the Monitor is examining him. When a wraith is subject to any Lifeweb art that isn’t immediately obvious through other means, he may make a Perception + Awareness roll. One success alerts him to the fact that someone’s toying with part of his being. With three or more successes, he identifies the Monitor as the source. ===== Sense Strands ===== | The Monitor develops a constant intuitive awareness of her Fetters’ locations. By concentrating on one, she can extend her perceptions to its immediate vicinity. || System: Once the wraith learns this art, she always knows where her Fetters are. No roll is necessary. When the Monitor extends her senses to one of her Fetters, the player rolls Perception + Lifeweb. Each success on this roll allows her to use one die of her normal Perception + Alertness pool to survey the Fetter’s location. If the player spends 1 Pathos when activating this art, she also may assess the Fetter’s location with a Perception + Awareness roll, subject to the same dice pool limit. | ===== Strand Channel ===== | The wraith can extend her presence to a Fetter, channeling her voice and Arcanoi as if she were standing beside it. || System: The player spends 2 Pathos and rolls Intelligence + Lifeweb. For one turn per success, the wraith may use any Arcanos art she knows as if she were at the Fetter’s location (though she may still use them normally at her own location if she so chooses). She also may speak through the Fetter, with her voice seeming to originate from it. If the wraith isn’t already using Sense Strands to perceive her Fetter’s location, every two successes on the roll to activate Strand Channel count as one success for Sense Strands. This applies even if the Monitor doesn’t know Sense Strands. |