[[pc:sc:John "Ratshot" Taurian Sheet|Sheet]]\\ [[pc:sc:john_rathot_log|XP Log]]\\ ====== John "Ratshot" Taurian ====== Player: [[zoeker22]] ===== Description: ===== As a wise texan once said: “Hippety Hoppety get off my property”. While being an absolute gun nut while smithing John tends to veer into perfectionism and usually retreats into his workshop for days on end. This results in him being an obsessive-compulsive collector for all things firearm-related as well as being an owner of a quite profitable smithy and weapons shop. Despite his love for guns he is actually quite averse to violence, he mostly avoids fights unless given few other options. However he also recognizes that in the history of the US there have been many a violent dispute which is why he advocates for gun-ownership as the primary means of home-defense. As far as hobbies go he goes on walks in the woods quite enthusiastically and makes hunting trips with a small group of fellow hunters. ===== Personality ===== As a wise texan once said: “Hippety Hoppety get off my property”. While being an absolute gun nut while smithing John tends to veer into perfectionism and usually retreats into his workshop for days on end. This results in him being an obsessive-compulsive collector for all things firearm-related as well as being an owner of a quite profitable smithy and weapons shop. Despite his love for guns he is actually quite averse to violence, he mostly avoids fights unless given few other options. However he also recognizes that in the history of the US there have been many a violent dispute which is why he advocates for gun-ownership as the primary means of home-defense. As far as hobbies go he goes on walks in the woods quite enthusiastically and makes hunting trips with a small group of fellow hunters. \\ **Obvious Details:**\\ Hat, Jacket, a maintanence kit distributed over his jacket.\\ A gun-holster on his hip.\\ ~185cm high and roughly 100kg heavy.\\ Drives an old pickup-truck.\\ **Less Than Obvious Details:**\\ He carries a bottle of lighter fluid for cleaning in his pocket.\\ Carries a revolver in a holster.\\ One pocket is full of small notes with scribblings.\\ He squints a lot, especially when looking into the distance.\\ **Banality Score:** -----