[[pc:sc:Gray Faulkner Sheet|Sheet]]\\ [[pc:sc:Gray Faulkner XP Log|XP Log]]\\ ====== Gray Faulkner ====== Player: [[Tim]] ===== Description: ===== Gray is a 28 year old masc-presenting nonbinary person of mixed (mainly Chilean and Italian) descent, looking to be a bit younger than he is, around his mid 20s. He stands at 5'5", although is sometimes taller by a few inches due to the boots they wear. He has a defined, angular face, with piercing orange eyes (pupils slit). This has to be painstakingly covered with contacts daily. Their hair is dyed— it's often dyed various vibrant colors, at the moment taking on a copper-ish orange. Both of his sides are shaved, specifically shaved into a scale-like pattern, which is often exposed whenever they assume their usual pulled back style, or tease it up into a deathawk for shows. His ears are gaged, not exorbitantly so, but large enough to be mildly noticeable, and also hold many other piercings. Their nose is also pierced, and he has ringed snakebites on his bottom lip. They often sport some facial hair. On days that aren't show days, a tshirt (usually a band logo or some obscure thing they don't really know from the thrift store) and ratty jeans suffice, maybe with some layered necklaces, rings, and even some light makeup if they're going outside, their patch jacket thrown on over it. This only slightly changes on days where they perform, Gray going a little harder on makeup and maybe even cropping one of his shirts, adding some fishnets under his jeans. They carry themselves casually, yet there is a subdued fluidity and quickness to their movements. {{:pc:gray.png?400|}} ===== Personality ===== Upon first impressions, Gray comes off as a decievingly relaxed person. They talk very casually, and present as someone who often gives out good advice, emitting a sort of "chill older brother" vibe. Under that, though, he's much more of an anxious and frustrated person than they let on. Behind this casual presentation, their eyes and ears are always trained on high alert. They have a quick temper and a stubbornness to them that makes it so once they're set on a plan, everyone else's ideas are bullshit until proven otherwise. Thankfully their friends still tolerate him, he and Luxe have a system worked out as to how many songs each person can write. And oh lord can this demon hold a grudge. The flipside of this stubbornness, though, is a fiercely loyal disposition. The human in Gray would do anything for the people he found himself close to, and the demon would give up just about anything for humanity. Hell, why do you think he's so damn paranoid all the time? They still hold a deep passion for the good people they still see out there, and despite how much he tries to bury it, hope still lives deep within them. That's part of the reason why they run from the idea of salvation. As they see it, salvation from God is equal to giving up. Admitting they were wrong and turning their back on humanity. They still have hope that they can pull through. It's something he constantly finds himself bleeding, breathing. **Obvious Details:** **Less Than Obvious Details:** **Banality Score:**