[[pc:sc:Dusty Sheet|Sheet]]\\ [[pc:sc:dusty_xp_log|XP Log]]\\ ====== Dusty ====== Player: [[Shalassa]] ===== Description ===== | {{:pc:dusty.jpg?200|}} {{:pc:dustyfae.png?200|}} | | | |:::|:::|| |:::| **Height:** |1.42m / 4'8" | |:::| **Weight:** |42kg / 92lbs| |:::| **Hair:** |black | |:::| **Eyes:** |grey| |:::| **Figure:** |average | |:::| **Skin:** |fair | |:::| **Apparent Age:** |early 20s | |:::| **Banalty Score:** |3 | |:::| **Crossroads:** |probational | |:::| || |:::|:::|| ---- ===== Personality: ===== Skittish is probably the best way to describe Dusty. Although normally more an introvert, yet they can talk for ages when it comes to books, up to the point where it might be annoying. Also eager to learn new things. ---- ===== Obvious Details ===== \\ **Flaws:** Short, Curiosity, Absent-Minded\\ **Merits:** Trivia Champ\\ ---- ===== Less Than Obvious Details ===== **Flaws:** \\ **Merits:** Languages (Latin, Greek, French), Eidetic Memory\\