[[pc:sc:Denq Xiaoqing Sheet|Sheet]]\\ [[pc:sc:Denq Xiaoqing XP Log|XP Log]]\\ ====== Denq Xiaoqing ====== Player: [[JP]] ===== Description: ===== Denq Xiaoqing is about 5'2, 100 lbs., nice black hair, she was a researcher and studies even at a young age ===== Personality ===== she was a researcher and studies even at a young age, always wanting to studying more and Learn more and then talking for long stretches of time about it even if other people don’t care or aren’t paying attention. She would spend hours, sometime a day or more just studying without eating, though she was always clean and made sure everything was clean. She is obsessed with the number 8, or a number of multiples of 8. Her hair is always precisely 8 inches long, nothing more and nothing less, she even uses a ruler to measure. She spends 8 minutes washing her hands, when she cleans it’s always 8 times, she spends 18 minutes in the shower, she wakes up at 8:08 and when sleeps it’s 8 hours and 8 minutes. Any time the hour or minute clock hits 8 she has to tap her foot 8 times. She is also obsessed with cleanliness, and carrying wipes everywhere and will clean things before and after using them. She makes constant plans, every Sunday she spends time making the plan for the week and will use colors to separate things and every minute was calculated. **Obvious Details:** **Less Than Obvious Details:** **Banality Score:** 6 -----