[[pc:sc:bites_the_bullet_xp_log|Sheet]]\\ [[pc:sc:bites_the_bullet_xp_log|Sheet]]\\ [[pc:sc:bites_the_bullet_xp_log]] [[pc:sc:bites_the_bullet_xp_log]] ====== "Bites the Bullet" ====== Player: [[Noxvice]] ===== Description: ===== Homid:\\ Bites is a weird human, clothes are baggy and hides as much of the features as they can. \\ The homid form has a monobrow, long fingers and a bit more pointy teeth than normal, it also smells a bit like musk. He moves a bit sluggish, but tries to look as friendly as they can.\\ Usually wearing a dark oversized hoodie, bit of holes in it, clearly well worn. \\ \\ Crinos:\\ Bites is a beast, hugely muscled wolf-man. The fur is thick and unruly, with colors ranging from deep brown to grey spots, no real patterns. He might be a stray, but he is a dangerous. \\ \\ Lupus:\\ Deep brown somewhat uneven length with grey spotting in the fur. Physically strong and nimble, been used to hiding as a big dog as well as a Garou can. When in veil safe places this demeanor changes to a comfident wolf who will face the world with no regrets.\\ ===== Personality ===== Bites is a curious Lupine, he is playful and defends his family above all. There are no problem he wounldn't face to protect his friends and family. \\ He suffers a bit from having no formal education, and being Lupus breed, spending as much time as he can in his lupus form.\\ Curious to the bone and brave enough to lead an expidition, he has his mentor to thank for the much needed levelheadedness he has. Even though it's not the best due to his rage. \\ **Obvious Details:** \\ Animal Musk - You have the odor of an animal, even in Homid form. Whenever you are indoors or in a crowd of people, you make all Social rolls at a +2 difficulty. \\ \\ Sign of the wolf - Like the shapechangers of myth and legend, you possess eyebrows that meet in the middle of your forehead, hair grows on the palms of your hands, and the second and third fingers of your hands are the same length.\\ \\ **Less Than Obvious Details:** Merits:\\ Natural Weapons 3pts\\ Danger Sense 3pts\\ \\ Flaws:\\ Animal Musk 1pts\\ Naive 1pts\\ Sign of the wolf 2pts\\ Enemy (Collector gang) 2pts\\ Socially Obliviours 1pts\\ **Banality Score:** -----