| **[[pc:@@Character Name@@|Profile]]** | **[[pc:sc:@@Character Name@@ Sheet|Sheet]]** | **[[pc:sc:max_xp_log|XP Log]]** | **[[pc:sc:@@Character Name@@ Player Notes|Player Notes]]** | **[[pc:sc:@@Character Name@@ ST Notes|ST Notes]]** | \\ Player: [[@@Player Name@@]] ^ @@Character Name@@'s Player Notes ^^ |**Approved On** | 202?/?/? | |**Approved By** | ? | ---- ====== Goals ====== ^ ST Hooks ^ |@@ST Hook 1@@ | |@@ST Hook 2@@ | |@@ST Hook 3@@ | ===== Extras ===== @@Goals For Your Character@@ \\ ---- ====== About ME ====== ^ Experience Level | @@Experience Level@@ | ^ Gameplay Level | @@Gameplay Level@@ | ^ Darkness Level | @@Darkness Level@@ | ^ Narrative Vs Dice-Influenced | @@Narrative Vs Dice-Influenced@@ | \\ ===== What I Look For In My Roleplay ===== @@What Do You Look For In Your RP?(\\ )|N/A@@ \\ ===== My Preferred Posting Style ===== @@Preferred Posting Style(\\ )|N/A@@ \\ ===== What I Look For In A Storyteller ===== @@What Do You Look For In An ST?|N/A@@ \\ ===== Phobias And Limits ===== @@Any Phobias or Limits We Should Be Made Aware Of?|N/A@@ \\ ===== Other Notes ===== @@Anything Else You'd Like Us To Know?|N/A@@ \\