Aaron Jones
shall receive 2 XP for their intro scene, as well as 10 floor xp and access to StarkeNet and the Crossroads
ST xp goes to Lassa
For the Scene “a new tree” the following gets 3 xp
St xp to Jp’s sponge
For the Second Nefesh Scene all present gain 3xp.
STXP to Glyff and Joy
For participating in the scene "Don't Drive Drunk" the following character receives 2 XP:
Cho Ji-Wun
Additionally, Ji-Wun receives justification for the purchase of Faith 4 (already payed).
ST Experience goes to Zechstein.
For the scene “new challanges” the following get 2 xp
For the first scene of the Changelings hosted by Hoots the following PCs earn 3XP!
Aine the Autumn Sidhe
Desmond the Slaugh
Dusty the Korred
Mora the Redcap
Summer the Selkie
Additionally each Changeling who went on this quest earns 10 Dross!
For the scene "Friends or Foes... or neither", the following characters get 2 XP:
Jessica Rose
Valeiro Lusus
ST XP goes to JP's and Joy's sponges.
NPC XP goes to:
Gregory Handel
Additionally, the PCs mentioned above get the following:
- Justification for Lore:Awakened 1 for Valeiro.
- Valeiro gets the Catspaw flaw (2 points): You trusted the wrong person, did the wrong thing on their say-so, and have now become a liability to others and to yourself. A dupe for someone vastly superior in power, you need to watch your back now while hoping for an opportunity to extract yourself from this position. For the moment, you have to follow orders, and your “cat” needs to keep you safe. Not long from now, however, one or both of you will change your priorities, and then things will truly become interesting for everyone concerned. (to Edward Finn)
- Jessica gets the Apprentice flaw (2 points): A typical student who needs a fair amount of hand-holding; makes occasional mistakes of protocol and discipline; and takes up a fair amount of time, space and patience. Even so, this person remains attentive and more or less respectful, providing plenty of reasons for you to be proud of him. (Apprentice being Valeiro)
For participating in the scene "Preparing for Expansion" the following character receives 2 XP:
Cerys Evans
ST Experience goes to Zechstein.
For their attempt to destroy the Reaver Reliquary, the following PCs gain 4xp
Chemmu - Nulled due to XP cap
Additionally any PC in this group that wishes to take on some of the saved cultists may take dots in Neteru, Followers, Allies, or Cult.
Finally, With this scene Chemmu moves to the Main stage.
STXP to Glyff and Joy.
For the scene with Mildred titled: A Medley of two slaugh.
The following PCs earn 1XP
Desphobos the Slaugh
That is all
For the scene with Squire Abraham the following PCs earn 2XP
Aine the Sidhe
Additionally,Aine earns a dot of justification with *either* contact or allies with Squire Abraham.
That is all